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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

AZ & Birth Control -or- Debbie Lesko is an Idiot

After the Keating scandal in the 80's, the SB1070 controversy and the debacle that is Jan Brewer, I didn't think it was possible to be more disillusioned by my home state.

Boy, was I wrong!

Yesterday, a Senate Judiciary Committee endorsed Republican Debbie Lesko's HB2625 by a vote of 6-2, which would allow an employer to request proof that a woman using insurance to buy birth control was being prescribed the birth control for reasons other than not wanting to get pregnant.

Nevermind the fact that I want to grab Debbie Lesko and shake her violently by the ovaries. I feel betrayed as a woman and as a 'minority'. Yes, Arizona views women as minorities. But that's another rant for another day.

So, here's my current rant about this preposterousness.

First, there's this little thing called HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) that came about in the 90's to protect people from having their private health information disseminated to the public AND their employers. The Department of Health and Human Services (OCR) sanctions FINES for revealing identifiable medical information. It's a national organization that adheres to national laws. Any person who knowingly obtains or discloses individually identifiable medical information in violation of the Privacy Rule may further face criminal penalty of $50,000 and up to a year in prison. (Those are the minimal consequences.)

I first learned about HIPAA when I was working as a union steward for CWA while working at AT&T. At the time, I was very interested in taking my corporate career into Human Resources and immersed myself in the inner-workings of these corporations and their laws, bylaws, guidelines, compliance, etc. An employees medical history was treated with a great deal of respect and many managers refused offers of disclosure from employees themselves for fear that just KNOWING identifiable information could find them in violation.
How the hell did we go from that example to one in which employers have a right to know an employees medical history? Based on my knowledge of HIPAA and why it exists, I have to conclude that Debbie Lesko is an idiot.

Second, we all know that the pharmaceutical industry is a money-making GIANT for our country and our government. I can't watch TV for more than 15-20 minutes before I see an ad for a pill to combat depression, obesity, allergies, impotence, AND... you guessed it... birth control. No one in their right mind could believe that the pharmaceutical industry is going to allow limited access to its all-powerful drugs. Current legislation has been moving towards the legalization of so many substances, it makes my head spin. Money speaks in this country and I'll bet there are more than a few pharmacological lobbyists shaking their heads in bewilderment as they think to themselves, "Debbie Lesko is an idiot."

Third, I'm sure Debbie Lesko has never been scared that she might lose her job because she's pregnant, but it's a real fear. I've been there. Thankfully, we have laws that make it very difficult for an employer to fire someone for being pregnant... but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. It does. And it sucks. It would be even worse to be fired for preventing pregnancy. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. I can't help but see the similarity in attitude to those opposing the suffragettes 100 years ago. It's a HUGE step backwards in evolution. Proving again, that Debbie Lesko is an idiot.

And last... my 16-year-old daughter has been on birth control for months even though she isn't sexually active. As a parent, I've never questioned my decision to educate and support my children when it came to permanent decisions regarding their bodies. I knew before my daughter was even born that I would educate her as much as possible about sex, her body, and her rights as an independent and liberated woman. It never occurred to me that those rights would be stripped away or require justification to anyone - let alone potential employers. WTF!?

I wonder then... if legislators are successful in limiting birth control for women or making it more expensive or difficult to obtain... what then would be the recourse for a woman to prevent pregnancy or regulate hormones? I could see this leading to a national outbreak of celibacy.
I'm sure every man out there who has been in any kind of long-term relationship understands what happens when his lady is peeved. He ain't gettin' any.

Considering the amount of dudes in charge of passing these bills, I don't think it would take very long for their wives to convince them that Debbie Lesko is an idiot.

Just shaking my head... and pricing real estate on the east coast...


  1. I'm sure that the "Dudes" who are in charge of passing the bill have wives who don't work and therefore don't need to worry about reporting to potential employers they're need for birth control. It sucks.
