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Monday, January 16, 2012

Sh*t Andi Writes...

I've noticed a growing trend with blogs and vlogs and youtube rants lately. Rants seem to be all the rage nowadays with "shit people say" or "things I hate".

I'd like to take credit for pioneering this trend with a long-ago blog titled "OPP" (yeah, you know me) about Obnoxious Pet Peeves. I've been tempted to resurrect this blog because it was a great form of therapy. (Plus I thought it was really funny.)

I eventually gave up on the blog because I was influenced by those around me that thought it only added to the 'negative energy of the universe'. You know... the concept of getting off your ass and changing what you don't like rather than just bitching about it. (Insert Gandhi quote here.)

However, through years of experience (and memorization of the serenity prayer) I realized that there are some things that I cannot change - no matter how hard I try.

And thus, I bitch.

Not to add to the negative energy of the universe... but rather, to make myself laugh – thus allowing me to maintain my usual quirky, positive, 'shitting rainbows' outlook on life.

I did decide that I'm going to market a new toy for 2012.

Back in my day, we had the ol' “See-N-Say”, but adapting it for the new trends, I'm going to give it a more contemporary appearance and re-market it as “Shit Animals Say” and make a fortune!!

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