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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Quotes of the Day

There is a tradition among many different theatre companies that I've been involved with called "Quote of the Day". Theatre folk seem to have their own language sometimes when trying to convey abstract and intangible ideas. We also have a tendency to speak 'off the cuff' at times, creating quotes and one-liners that (when taken out of context) sound hilarious, odd or offensive to the uninitiated.

Thus, the following quotes may not be for those that are easily offended or don't care about/understand the creative process of putting on a show. But I figured this was as good a place as any to share them with those theatre friends that would get a kick out of 'em. And hell, maybe after reading a few of 'em, it'll pique your interest enough to come see the show!!

Without further ado, some QOD's from the production of 'Next Fall' at Actors Theatre:

“That movie is why I started pole-vaulting in High School!” CD

“If it's an ass that big, it has to be professionally mounted.” AW

“And a clamshell for Debra K.” AM

“There's no 'but' for that gay.” AM

“But every other time he's on his knees, it's tolerable.” RH

“Take it from Jeffrey Dahmer.” MW

“God is gay.” MW

“Take it from behind... then I don't have to feel you up onstage.” MW

"I was trying to be tight and stuff." RH

"She's gnawing on a bull penis... my housekeeper, not my dog..." DS

"It's Luke. It's Ben's brother... Cool!" MW

"I saw people playing with themselves again." MW

"Nice vegetable kid." MW

"The Hardy Boys were gay?" DD

"He's a non-denominational American." MW

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