We do realize that it's sort-of elitist to only call back one actor per character... so, in the future, we've decided we will open up our minds a bit and expand our actor pool. Perhaps even engaging in online debates as to which of two or three actors you'd vote for in that role.
We don't really follow any rules with this... we started with casting only American film/TV actors, but found that there are always some exceptions to be made. So, I will say that we cast 'mostly' American actors, but every once in a while we will acquire guest artist contracts for foreigners.
In the meantime... here is our list of folks we'd like to see read the characters of Shakespeare's Richard II.
Richard, The Butterfly King: Neil Patrick Harris

This one is a no-brainer. Richard is a pretty-boy figurehead who is about to have his throne usurped by Bolingbroke (the cousin he banished). We can easily picture his pouty posturing as a politically incompetent playboy while he dresses down his elders with, "We were not born to sue, but to command." And who better to be stripped down to nothing but his vulnerable depositions, captivating us with every discovery as he laments, "I wasted time... and now doth time waste me." Oh, yes, Neil Patrick. Oh. Yes!
Queen Isabella: Isla Fisher

We needed the perfect Jackie-O bride for our lovely king and thus, the ethereal Isla Fisher was top on our list. It's questionable as to whether she has the chops for this one, but let's face it... I'd really like to see her try. We think she's capable of fretting appropriately over her politically persecuted husband - and her innocence makes their forced separation (and her banishment) woefully tear-jerking. And don't they make such the perfect royal couple? I mean, it doesn't get much prettier than these two.
Henry Bolingbroke: Liev Schreiber

Richard's hotheaded and devious cousin, determined to ascend the throne, could go to many of Hollywood's hotties. We'd like to let Liev sink his teeth into our seat cushions. He has to be physically imposing (enough to intimidate Richard into handing over his crown without more bloodshed) but compelling enough to make us sympathize with his dishonored state. He has to go toe-to-toe with Mowbray in combat early in the show, and his thirst for blood and power is exposed with his condemnation and execution of Richard's loyal followers. He's our heavy for this one. Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown, indeed...
Duke of Lancaster, John of Gaunt: Tobin Bell

Bolingbroke's brokenhearted father, ailing and soon to leave both realms for good, John of Gaunt has some pretty heavy stuff. He's one of the only few to warn Richard that his opulence will rob him of what he holds most dear. Bereaved brother, father, and uncle... we like the idea of Creepy McSaw getting a chance to dig into something meatier to play this very sick and very angry Poppa to our Simmering Schreiber. So far, so good.
Duchess of Gloucester: Anjelica Huston

The play opens with Duchess G having been recently widowed. (And the rumor is that her twerp of a nephew [Richard] was somehow involved in the order for her husband's assassination.) She makes every attempt to incite Gaunt to avenge her husband's death, but when she doesn't get the resolution she seeks, she makes her exit in a whirlwind of mourning clothes and news of her impending suicide with, "Desolate, desolate, will I hence and die..." Her appearance is a short one, but Ms. Huston is our hands-down fave for a long-lasting impact from the weeping widow.
Mowbray: Mark Wahlberg

We're pretty sure this one will be controversial, but hear us out. The Duke of Norfolk (Mowbray) pops into Scene III to challenge Bolingbroke. I'd personally love to see Marky Mark do his funky bunch in battle with Schreiber. Not only that, but Richard interrupts and banishes him... and he dies in exile. We think he's not only capable of handling the honorable, but politically ignorant scapegoat; but he might even make us wonder if he was the one to snuff out ol' Thomas, Duke of Gloucester himself...
Edmund, Duke of York: Willem Dafoe

The Duke of York is not only John of Gaunt's contemporary, but he is father to Aumerle and walks a tenuous tightrope between the divided family loyalties. His generation has been all but snuffed out and these crazy kids are about to do the same to one another. He is one of the few peeks into the dehumanization of Richard from a sympathetic standpoint and Dafoe is our superglue to this shattered family. Especially when he goes toe to toe with his son on the subject of family loyalty and survival... after being appointed Lord Governor of England while Richard was out of town... Lots of ssssssymbolism here.
Duchess of York: Frances McDormand

Duchess Y is really the only functioning 'mother' we see in this play as mother to Aumerle and wife of York. She's also our brief relief as she pleads with Bolingbroke to spare her son's life (successfully). McDormand is our tongue-in-cheek President of the PTA, convincing us that all it takes is a passionate parent to intervene and crisis can be averted. She's our fast-thinking, quick-talking Queen Bee.
Aumerle: Sam Rockwell

Fiercely loyal to Richard (and a favorite cousin of the king) we think Rockwell is the perfect patsy to do as he's told and take the path of least resistance. It won't stop him, however, from playing both sides once it's obvious that Cousin Henry has the power and Richard is on his way out. One might argue that he has the best of intentions, but we think Aumerle just might be following the fame and fortune... we wonder which way Mr. Rockwell will swing on that one.
Earl of Northumberland: Morgan Freeman

We wondered who would play our rooks in this political chess game. The answer was simpler than we anticipated. Of the first to come to mind, Morgan Freeman as the savvy Earl who loathes the way Richard is misusing his authority to punish family and reward the corrupt hangers-on. Having proved his worth, marching troops into France at the age of 18, he served Richard in military, diplomatic, and administrative capacities only to be dismissed when he voiced dissension with the king. We want to see him at the walls of the castle, addressing the nervous Richard with his honey-tongued discourse. Mr. Freeman lends legitimacy as the senior protector of the Scots.
Young Percy (Hotspur): O'Shea Jackson (Ice Cube)

That's right. We went there. If Wahlberg gets a cameo, then we may as well open up the floodgates for our fave West-Coast-Rapper-turned-Actor. We can so clearly see a slightly condescending Freeman delivering, "Have you forgot the Duke of Hereford, boy?" only to be met with Cube's, "No, my good lord; for that is not forgot which ne'er I did remember: to my knowledge, I never in my life did look on him." It might take a workshop or two to rid him of his typical staccato speech pattern, but we think we can pull some Hotspur out of his NWA.
Lord Ross: Billy Bob Thornton
Lord Willoughby: Ed Norton

Who would you NOT want to piss off if you were king? These guys. Underrated roles that pack a punch, Ross and Willoughby are tight with Northumberland and don't like sitting back and watching while Richard abuses the surrounding nobility. They both become supporters of Bolingbroke, making his army that much more badass. First rule of treason...
Bushy: Jason Schwartzman

One of Richard's three favorites and a 'caterpillar of the commonwealth', we love to hate Jason Schwartzman. We can easily see him whispering in the kings ear while picking the pockets of the poor and we need not suspend disbelief to see him hightail it outta there when things get hot. What's more?... Execution scene!! Oh yes... we get to see Schreiber chew him out for leading the king astray before condemning him to die. Win - win.
Green: Ryan Phillipe

Again, because we love to hate him, and also because we want to see him crying along with Schwartzman, Phillipe is our pick for the second of the three gems tainting Richard's crown. The other leech that runs for safety only to be captured and executed for being a douche.
Bagot: Giovani Ribisi

Even douches deserve redemption and our pick is Giovani as the sole survivor of the three nogoodniks. He is the one who escapes to Ireland in an attempt to warn his king of the impending uprising, but is later captured and brought back to England for trial. He narrowly avoids the fate of his two contemporaries and is released after a year in prison... and since we like to root for Giovanni (even when he's playing a sleaze) we'll root for him here, too!
Bishop of Carlisle: Wallace Shawn

He is the bearer of much news, including that of Mowbray's death fighting in the crusades, but we love Carlisle best for stepping in as Richard attempts to ascend the throne with, "Marry, God forbid!... if you raise this house against this house, it will the woefullest division prove that ever fell upon this cursed earth." Shawn is our beloved soothsayer of the juju, making us cringe and cry when he's imprisoned for treason. Treason? Inconceivable?!
Sir Exton: Jason Mewes

"From your own mouth, my lord, I did this deed."
We're offering a redemption cameo to a fellah we believe can be single-handedly responsible for 'burying the hatchet', so-to-speak; bringing Richard's dead body to a shocked (and instantly remorseful) Bolingbroke. Mewe's is our advantageous idiot-in-waiting and we don't feel bad about being pissed off at him. Hell, it's the end of the play anyhow. He's banished. And that's just fine with us. :)
And there you have it. Sit back... and discuss.
We had fun putting it together. Feel free to throw out suggestions for the next Shakespeare show. Maybe we'll make it through the whole canon!
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