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Monday, September 13, 2010

The Calm After the Storm - One Year Later

It has been a while since I blogged. Obviously the show has kinda owned my life lately, but I've loved being busy again.

It has been a year since I finished out my last season with Southwest Shakespeare Company. I said 'Goodbye' to Sandy, Richard and Amanda as they left for Chicago. Sandy... who had become 'Uncle Sandy' to most of us... and who had been a fixture in my life (and at Southwest) since my first show there in 2002. I miss him desperately.
And Richard... who had become lord of the guitar and king of 'The Den'... a liberal and enthusiastic director and a genuine and giving actor... and a great friend. Between he and Kaitlin O'Neal, I learned more about Shakespearean language and text and more about breaking barriers artistically than I had in probably five years combined.
I miss the weekly cookouts and Saketini nights with Jim, Doc, Keath, Erika, Stefan, Sandy, Richard, Amanda, Kat, Jay and I. And those that joined intermittently for discussions about various versions of various folios or how many euphemisms for sex there are in The Merchant of Venice vs. A Midsummer Night's Dream.
One thing that leaving Southwest did was separate us a bit more geographically as well as artistically. It also allowed us to pursue other ventures and find success in other venues. From that group of artists that we lived, cried, bled, ate and slept with for months on end grew Arizona Curriculum Theatre and Class 6 Theatre. I landed some amazing roles with Phoenix Theatre and had the time to venture into more voiceover work and training. (Arial classes are starting soon and I can't freakin' wait!!)

But yeah... I'm feeling some residual guilt that I always feel when work picks up. Being busy in the evenings and on the weekends means that I miss out on a lot of time with the kids. It also means that I'm exhausted at the end of the day and often am too tired (or have to be up early the next day) and miss out on dinners, drinks, and other social events with friends.

But nothing can compare with the fact that I love what I do and am blessed to be able to do what I love. I very much miss the people that became our extended family in the past several years, but I know our paths will cross again at some point... and hopefully sooner rather than later.

I am tired, but eternally grateful. :)

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