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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Equality Blog

In 1948, a speech was given by Alben Barkley quoting Thomas Jefferson,
"He did not proclaim that all the white, or the black, or the red, or the yellow men are equal; that all Christian or Jewish men are equal; that all Protestant and Catholic men are equal; that all rich and poor men are equal; that all good and bad men are equal. What he declared was that all men are equal; and the equality which he proclaimed was the equality in the right to enjoy the blessings of free government in which they may participate and to which they have given their support."

Truman said, "We believe that all men are entitled to equal opportunities for jobs, for homes, for good health and for education. We believe that all men should have a voice in their government and that government should protect, not usurp, the rights of the people."

Currently, the gay community is without rights. They are usurped. An entire community denied the right to marry by its own government. And I'm shocked that there is still debate among ourselves when the onus should be on our government to defend such a heinous miscarriage of both justice and liberty to its people.

We are good at labeling each other. We judge and categorize so that we can determine who should be included or excluded from our lives - based on compatibility, relation, "common interests".
Are you a believer? Do you have kids? Where'd you go to college? What was your major? Where DID you get those shoes?! Are you on Grindr? Facebook? Match.com? Alpha Beta Kappa Dappa Poopty Doo!

When I started my elementary education, I remember learning about two basic parties - Democrats and Republicans. (My daddy said we were the latter.)
Now there are liberals and conservatives and progressives and tea-bags and the Republic of the Flying Spaghetti Monster for cryin' out loud!
And I deal with it in my industry as well. Are you a triple-threat? No? Cut. Ages 35-45?  Yes? Stay. 5'5"-5'9". Stay. Caucasians can go. Women, stay. Divas, go.

In our efforts to specify which group we belong to and separate ourselves from those we don't, we've sub-categorized and factioned ourselves to death. We ostracize and denounce, validate and advocate until there's a very small subset that we can call 'my people'.
Sometimes merely based on 'beliefs'.

Some people believe that onions taste great. I believe they are the devil's fruit. I hate them. But I have enough common sense not to hate the person who believes they're awesome. In fact, I might spend a dozen years in an intimate relationship with an onion-loving freak!

I don't believe that onion lovers have the right to impose on my onion-free existence just because an archaic book of proverbs and parables says that onions are fantastic and clear out your arteries. And I'll fight like a she-devil if anyone tries to hold me down and forcibly put them in my mouth!
I feel just as vehemently about anyone else being forced to eat onions... Or being denied the right to.

Because I'm on team 'people'.

Not just my people or your people, but ALL people.
And the rights of the people must be protected, not usurped.

R. Kelly believes he can fly.
Whitney Houston believes in you and me.
And The Darkness believes in a thing called love.
I believe in equality.

And Team People.

And life without onions.

1 comment:

  1. the DOC of Team Andi just adores your most sage and succulent triple-threat onions, Baby!
