So, I went back to NYC this weekend to audition for Merry-Go-Round Playhouse in upstate NY. It was just a quick 3-day foray into the city, but as always, I tried to pack it with as many visits with friends as possible.
Now, to backtrack... I had a bit of a personal/spiritual epiphany many years back that was the culmination of several elements: 1.) 'The Artists Way' by Julie Cameron. This book is basically a 12-step program for artists and it changed the way I looked at myself and my craft. 2.) An evening with three friends and a 'prayer stick' in which I declared the independence of my 'fuzzy, pink planet'. 3.) The discovery of an Indian guru named Osho who died 10 years before I'd ever heard of him.
Since that phase of my life, I've been opened to the crazy, magical serendipity of the universe. I follow my heart more often than my head, which often defies logic or reason, and I'm happier that way.
It turned out that I got the chance to see some dear friends of mine - strong, beautiful, creative female influences in my life that I treasure beyond any earthly value (and who I hope against hope that I will get to work with again in the near future) as well as my sweet boys, Cory and Gregory... and ran into an old friend from 20 years ago that I never thought I'd see again. It was beyond amazing.
I had a successful audition, which I hope means I'll be back in NY sooner rather than later... but even if that doesn't pan out, there's always next time. And the trip... was already so worth it... if only for the personal joy and healing.
There have been those times in my life where it feels like pieces just come together - where I only have to be open to the possibilities - and they begin to unfold right before me. This is one of those times.
And while it's nerve-wracking to think that my lease is up in 4 months and I don't quite know where I'm going or what I'm doing yet; there is a part of me that knows I just have to follow my heart, be open to the possibilities and have faith... and the answers will present themselves.
Sometimes it's an answer we'd never imagine or expect.
Now, we play the 'Hurry-up-and-wait' game as theatres cast their summer seasons and begin auditions for next season. I have work that can carry me through the end of the summer if I want it... so, for now, I get on board and enjoy the ride.
Last night marked the first rehearsal/meet-n-greet/sing-thru for 'Gypsy' with Phoenix Theatre. I'm really excited to be starting this project - which happens to include some of my favorite people to work with. Not only that, but my primary role is a purely comedic one... which is just the best! I get to make people laugh and feel good, which is among the top three things I love to do.
I return to my hometown feeling blessed. So blessed.
...And reminded of the Native American parable where a grandfather explains the conflict within man as two wolves fighting one another. One wolf is anger and jealousy and turmoil and feeds on fear. The other is peace and compassion and joy and feeds on love. And for every bit that the former bites and scratches and howls for attention, the latter waits patiently, unassuming... but they fight each other all our lives. With that, the grandson asks, "But which wolf wins?" Grandfather responds, "The one you feed."
So, as Joseph Campbell would say, "Follow your bliss." The rest will come to you.
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