I know this is an extremely taboo subject. It is sensitive and close to the hearts of many. I also believe that often passion and conviction blurs into zealotry… where practicality and common sense disappear.
I cannot call it Pro-Choice, even though that's how I feel. But it's a passionate subject that gets the 'spin' of pro-abortion, pro-infanticide, baby-killers, etc. (For the record, I've never killed a baby... that I'm aware of. Though I've often wondered where exactly the line is drawn.) I kid. Levity, folks.
It’s apparently even possible to determine one’s voting preference on this platform alone.
More than once I’ve heard, “I simply cannot support Obama after hearing his Pro-Abortion stance."
Okay, fair enough. I understand the mentality of the ‘Pro-Life’ demographic. I’ve been there, done that. Sang anti-abortion songs, raised my sign defiantly at a march organized by my church. Cried at the thought of all the innocent unborn babies…
I became a teen pregnancy statistic and admittedly, my opinions changed a bit.
I watched a clip about a pharmacy in VA that refuses to sell condoms. Condoms. We’re not talking about any ‘morning-after’ pill here, folks… we’re talking pregnancy PREVENTION, not termination. Yet many of the folks in support of this pharmacy quote a ‘Pro-Life’ conviction.
If someone doesn’t know the difference between contraception and abortion, I don’t want them having ANY say in medical decisions that affect my daughter.
Which brings me to my second point… Abortion issues do not directly affect me or my body. I have two children. And barring some sort of miracle, I cannot have any more. So, I won’t pretend that I’m concerned about how abortion laws might affect me. I’m concerned about how they affect my daughter. And my daughter’s daughter. Therefore, if it’s not an issue that affects you directly or indirectly; I really don’t want to hear your opinion, Mr. 70-year-old white man.
Next, I’m tired of hearing “It’s a woman’s choice.” I know it’s great for the feminist movement and that it’s lovely when Vagina’s Across America can heed the battle cry for a common cause, but ‘abortion’ is NOT a woman’s choice. It’s the country’s choice. It has been for some time, and it will be for some time to come. Women haven’t always had the right to vote and women’s issues have not even made it to the forefront of our legislative priorities. Sure, we’ve made progress… but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
Now, those are just my political rants. I don’t like the idea or the thought of abortion. I also know people who have been through the pain and trauma of abortion. None of them were ‘bad’ girls. They were all girls in a rough situation with little or no familial support.
I cannot blame nor judge them. And I won’t.
I’m one of those teens that kept my baby. I didn’t marry his father until I was well into my 7th (almost my 8th) month of pregnancy. So, for many months I attended church alone with my growing belly; hoping to find solace and comfort in God and my extended church family. It wasn’t a time of sunshine and rainbows. I was very lonely… with few friends who would still associate with me, and even family distanced by feelings of confusion and betrayal.
It was already a time in which my choices in life were becoming more and more limited. I will not be responsible for limiting the choices of others.
I embrace the idea that we all have our own path to ‘salvation’. What was ‘right’ for me would not be ‘right’ for everyone in my situation. I’m not so pompous to think that everyone shares my circumstances or my beliefs, nor do I believe in imposing my convictions on others.
As for me, I will be weighing ALL the issues that are important to me. I think I’m capable of handling morality as a personal crusade rather than a political one. That’s a battle that all of America isn’t capable of handling. It would blow our minds.
Peace out.
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